Steven Spielberg‘s filmography features some of history’s greatest movies, but there are still some other titles that don’t ...
That improbable 4-3 victory on Feb. 22, 1980, became known as the "Miracle on Ice," because of the call by broadcaster Al ...
Lithuanian Defence Minister Dovilė Sakalienė says Europe needs to be "armed to the teeth" now that the US is pivoting away ...
At dawn on June 22, 1941, Nazi artillery shattered the silence as they launched their invasion of the Soviet Union. But ...
The USS Becuna submarine sank 3,888 tons of shipping and earned four battle stars in World War II.
To leave a lasting impression, villains not only have to present a real challenge to the hero, but they also have to evoke ...
Conservatives might be tempted to hold up Reagan as representative of a nobler era. They’d be wrong.
Powers, a Cold War historian who lives in the Richmond area, is the founder of the Cold War Museum in Vint Hill near Washington D.C. as well as an honorary board member of the International Spy Museum ...
US President Donald Trump invoked Napoleon over the weekend, inspired, it would appear, by American actor Rod Steiger’s ...
This is an emotionally wrenching day to consider The Day After the October 7 War withers away. We just spent the day watching ...
In the 1960s, leftist filmmakers from France to Japan revolutionized the documentary. Anti-fascism was not just the heritage ...