1945. That day, the guns of battle fell silent after seven weeks of destruction that would become known as the Siege of Budapest. In late 1944, the Soviet Red Army was advancing west on its march ...
Eighty years ago, during World War II, the United States operated full-scale military operations worldwide while planning how ...
THIS is the incredible moment a convoy of Vladimir Putin's Soviet flag waving troops were taken out by Ukrainian drones. The Russian leader's terror soldiers were ...
March 9 and 10, 1945 General LeMay's B-29s fly their first ... The war cabinet agrees to ask the Soviet Union to mediate a peace with the Allies. July 16, 1945 The U.S. Army successfully tests ...
In September 1945, a young Russian man symbolically ushered in the Cold War when he walked into Ottawa newsroom and announced he had proof of a widespread Soviet spy ring operating in Canada.
The Truman Doctrine was crucial for Greece to avoid falling into the Soviet influence sphere while the country was ravaged by the Civil War ...
Prague, Czechoslovakia, May 9, 1945: A crowd cheering the arrival of Soviet troops in a tank ... Winston Churchill, 5 March 1946 I believe it must be the policy of the United States to support ...
Auschwitz was liberated six months later, in January 1945. When the Nazis realised that Soviet troops were close ... man who was forced onto a death march, remembered it as ‘something ...
After Stalin died in March 1953, a power struggle broke out in Moscow. Several Soviet leaders were worried ... at the Potsdam Conference on July 24, 1945. President Truman told him that we have ...