An ergative verb assigns its argument to the external position: VP2. The agent seems to be universally assigned to the external position. There is a theoretical reason for this, but it lies beyond ...
Despite the letter Z being more of a visual representation of sleep than a verbal one, it has influenced language across the globe. In the 1940s, the verb zonk (out) emerged to convey suddenly falling ...
However, if we are talking about the purpose of an object or an action, we normally use the for + verb-ing pattern ... to bed early in order to get enough sleep before the exam.
Verb Biotics LLC, a biotech company at the forefront of microbiome innovation, has completed a groundbreaking clinical trial ...
Nelax is a portmanteau that combines “ne-,” the stem for the Japanese verb for “to sleep,” and the English word “relax.” The product is also labeled in Japanese as a “weighted ...