Kazakhstan is a huge country and a bus ride from Almaty to Astana will take you 20 hours. The train is only a few hours ...
Are you looking for a restaurant to dine at Holi? Why are you settling for the cafe next door when you can enjoy a festive ...
Uzbekistan, located in the heart of Central Asia, boasts a cuisine that reflects its rich history, diverse cultural ...
大家好哇,前段时间我不是去了趟上海吗,因为嘉荟市场在长宁北新泾,吃过饭之后我和朋友准备在长宁区找一条合适的小马路散步一下~ 大家都知道,上海的网红马路真的很多,但是我们俩去的地方相对人流量没那么大,却也是上海历史风貌保护街,不仅如此它还是上海64条永不拓宽的马路之一,最重要的是,迄今为止它已经有100年的历史。 这条马路就是东起延安西路,西至中山西路的武夷路(原名惇信路) *惇信路源自“Tunsi ...