Good morning. Sunny with a high of 66 today and a low of 40 overnight. The Wizards are at Toronto this evening, and perhaps ...
The editorial added that Bowser giving up BLM Plaza "seems to be paying off." It continued, "The Post reported this week that the president has backed off his threatened executive order ...
“All of these would be much more suitable than ‘Black Lives Matter Plaza.’ BLM caused chaos and destruction, instigating divisiveness throughout the nation.” “It is an organization ...
BLM protests often turned violent, leading to widespread rioting, looting, violence, and destruction in cities like Minneapolis, Portland, and Seattle. The summer of 2020 stands as a testament to ...
Still, there’s no more vivid depiction of the “new” FBI’s politics and priorities than how serving agents wearing FBI garb in June 2020 knelt before BLM protesters in Washington ...