30 and 40. If you're looking for a definitive answer on why tennis uses the scoring system it does, unfortunately, there's no clear origin of the tennis scoring system as we see it today.
30 and 40. If you're looking for a definitive answer on why tennis uses the scoring system it does, unfortunately, there's no clear origin of the tennis scoring system as we see it today.
30 and 40. If you're looking for a definitive answer on why tennis uses the scoring system it does, unfortunately, there's no clear origin. However, there are a few different theories ...
To begin a tennis ... 40-40 (40-all) - this is called "deuce". At deuce, a player is still required to win by two more points. Therefore, if the server wins the next point the score is ...
The game of tennis traces its roots back to medieval France ... because games must be decided by at least two points. If the players both reach 40, the score is termed "deuce." The next point gives ...
There's no getting away from it, tennis has an unusual scoring system. The score does not go up in units of one or even in units of the same amount. The first point in a game is called 15 and the next ...
Tennis has an unusual scoring system. The score does not go up in units of one or even in units of the same amount. The first point in a game is called 15 and the next 30. So you'd think that the next ...