PUDUCHERRY: In a shocking incident at a private school under Reddiarpalayam police station limits, a Class XI student stabbed his classmate during an argument for maligning him over social media.
Mumbai Police told the media that a school in Mumbai's Jogeshwari-Oshiwara region received a bomb threat mail today and they immediately dispatched an explosive detection personnel to investigate the ...
I just had a random thought. We really only had 20 minutes for lunch in high school. 5 minutes to go to the cafeteria, 5 minutes to wait in line to get food, 10 minutes to eat, 5 minutes to get back ...
In high school, nothing was more normal than... 1. Running a mile and IMMEDIATELY taking your musty self to math class: PE in High School was insane bc wdym I just ran a mile, have 5 minutes to go to ...