# GrovePi Example for using the Grove SPDT Relay(30A) (http://www.seeedstudio.com/wiki/Grove_-_SPDT_Relay(30A)) # The GrovePi connects the Raspberry Pi and Grove ...
This switch box provides 8x SPDT optical fiber switches that can open/close in a few ms. This can be used for fiber multiplexing to a wavemeter (e.g., High-Finesse WS8 with 1x8 switch). It uses ...
The ISO13286 is a high-performance, non-reflective single-pole, double-throw (SPDT) absorptive switch. This hermetic GaAs pHEMT device covers the DC to 8GHz wideband range and performs with 50 dB ...
Each reader node (input) provides (1) form C (SPDT) output relay for lock power switching, (1) dedicated request to exit input, (1) dedicated door position switch input, (2) auxiliary inputs, and (2) ...