Advocate was chosen to partner with Microsoft on the pilot program because of its size and ability to scale, as well as its ...
As the new year continues, it is useful to review your practice’s processes and policies to ensure that the practice operates ...
This explainer looks at how Medicaid is funded jointly by the federal government and the states, the program’s spending, and ...
The New Jersey Regional Innovation Cluster (NJRIC) will launch its free, five-month accelerator program for eligible small ...
The Patrick Leahy Lake Champlain Basin Program is seeking proposals for three grant opportunities to support watershed ...
Critiques of IRIS assessments intensified over the years and began to slow the program’s work. “It took so long to get through that there were fewer and fewer assessments,” said Cogliano.
Stutsman Development Corp. Board of Directors unanimously approved on Monday, March 10, a forgivable loan of $1 million to the city of Jamestown that will be used as matching dollars for a grant ...
UWorld Nursing, a leader in NCLEX® prep, has introduced a new NCLEX-style assessment to help nurse educators gauge their students' readiness to take the licensure exam.