Here’s another reason to hit the “pause” button and find your zen. A new study found that meditation influences key regions of your brain responsible for emotional regulation and memory ...
When was I going to get to acceptance? That’s when I turned to meditation. I had joined a Zen sangha (community) outside Boston the year before. It’s led by Robert Waldinger, a professor of ...
For over a decade, Nicole Daedone presided over an unusual wellness empire that transformed sexual stimulation into a meditation practice meant to empower women. Through the 2010s, as the founder ...
Devotion, bhakti, is acclaimed to be the most efficient means to unite the ‘jiva’ with the Supreme. It is called ‘Bhakti yoga’, in which the word yoga means a tool, an effective strategy, to achieve ...
Until a couple of years ago, Julia Rucklidge assumed her own 'mile-a-minute' brain would never be capable of meditation. But tasked with teaching about the science of wellbeing, the University of ...