A plasmid is a small, circular, double-stranded DNA molecule that is distinct from a cell's chromosomal DNA. Plasmids naturally exist in bacterial cells, and they also occur in some eukaryotes.
If we can work out the roles plasmids play inside bacteria, then we can use the information to develop a new generation of therapeutics that can target drug resistant infections. John Innes Centre ...
Fu and colleagues used Vibrio cholerae bacteria as a model for studying the plasmid defense system known as DdmDE, consisting of proteins called DdmD and DdmE, using cryo-electron microscopy to ...
Together this complex shuts off gene expression to keep the plasmid safe within its bacterial host. This newly discovered mechanism offers a fresh insight into long-range gene silencing in bacteria.
Together, this complex shuts off gene expression to keep the plasmid safe within its bacterial host. This newly discovered mechanism offers a fresh insight into long-range gene silencing in bacteria.
1 To explore this question, I transformed mutated EF-hand sequences into bacteria using plasmids to obtain larger plasmid amounts for my protein expression experiments. One day, I was getting ready to ...