Lake-effect snow typically happens when the lakes are ice-free and the water is still relatively warm. As winter drags on, presumably cooling the water and perhaps forming ice sheets ...
Such a structure, consisting essentially of apatite crystals embedded in an organic matrix, might be expected to exhibit piezoelectric properties, as in the case of many other multicrystalline ...
In this sense, the application range of 1-3 piezoelectric composites is wide, e.g., transducers for medical ultrasound 23, sensors 24, 25, and harvesting energy 26. There are numerous studies on the ...
SYRACUSE, N.Y. – No rest for the snow-weary downwind of the Great Lakes as another multiday lake-effect snowstorm continues to bury towns in several feet of snow through Sunday before finally winding ...
The amplitude image is the response of a piezoelectric material experiencing a sinusoidal strain because of the applied voltage. The straining effect leads to the cantilever deflecting from its set ...
The results showed the therapeutic effect of 25 kHz ultrasound for the glioma in 5-ALA administered ... which is converted by the transducer to a mechanical vibration of the internal piezoelectric ...
Ultrasound is generally used to alter the properties of materials and is repeatedly applied in industries to optimize process performance. This paper primarily studies the impact of various ultrasonic ...
In a new study published in Nature, researchers at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) and collaborators show that the efficacy of a commonly used piezoelectric ceramic material can be ...