The laser heats the gas between the fork's prongs in rapid pulses, causing them to move and generating a detectable piezoelectric voltage. "While the high quality factor of the tuning fork ...
Researchers at MPI-IS in Stuttgart have developed cutaneous electrohydraulic (CUTE) wearable devices to greatly expand the haptic sensations that can be created by future consumer products. CUTE ...
Researchers at MPI-IS in Stuttgart have developed cutaneous electrohydraulic (CUTE) wearable devices to greatly expand the haptic sensations that can be created by future consumer products.
Such a structure, consisting essentially of apatite crystals embedded in an organic matrix, might be expected to exhibit piezoelectric properties, as in the case of many other multicrystalline ...
In this work, we demonstrate the ability of lysozyme amyloid protein fibrils to possess piezoelectric capabilities when assembled into a freestanding bulk material. We transformed hen egg white ...
Abstract: As the load deviates away from the maximum power point (MPP), the output power of the current piezoelectric energy harvester with synchronous switch harvesting on inductor (SSHI) drops ...
The EVA-2000 Sensors are a significant advancement in the field of industrial sensing applications, offering long-range data transmission (up to 15.6 km) combined with exceptional power efficiency for ...