Animal Rescue Cumbria and The Wainwright Shelter take in, rehabilitate and rehome 350 cats and dogs every year. Once a dog has been assessed by the animal care team, they can be advertised for ...
Some have a struggling start, but when we can intervene and turn the tide on their situation, it fills our hearts with ...
Lisa’s Little Rescue will host the inaugural Animal Rescue Expo from 11 to 4 p.m. on Saturday, March 11 at the UW Sports ...
Snitch is a Great Pyrenees-retriever mix who is a sweet and well-behaved guy who would do great in most any home environment, ...
A 12-year-old girl fought a python to rescue her pet guinea pig in a viral video. The clip sparked a massive buzz, and many ...
Pet owners in Shreveport can have their pets spayed or neutered for free. Robinson Rescue will hosts its SSNIP (Subsidized Spay and Neuter Incentive Program) Voucher Day for residents of Caddo and ...
With the nudging of our canine Cupids, we had a fantastic life together for almost 44 years (nearly all of it in Cambria), ...
TikTok user @trey_seymour recently welcomed home Kodak, a Dogo Argentino mix, as a foster dog. The 7-year-old has struggled to find a forever home, being with a foster or Laila's Legacy Animal Rescue ...
Becca Kuperschmid, 23, was home in New York City for the holidays in December when she and her family decided to help out an ...
SPRINGFIELD, Mo. (KY3)—Rescue One is hosting a drive-thru pet vaccination clinic Sunday.
Many Georgia fire departments aren't equipped with oxygen masks that could save our four-legged friends' lives. One animal ...
A pet rescue in Englewood was ordered to cease operations as state officials claim it failed to properly isolate sick puppies ...