Edward “Ted” Borer has, and through the careful study of his own backyard hens, he has pinned down three words in chicken: a calm good morning cluck, a past-tense verb for having laid an egg ... I was ...
Our physical selves seem forever chained to each moment as it occurs, but our mind revisits past experiences and imagines future experiences at will. In recent research, one of my graduate ...
But using ice cores and other ancient data points allows scientists to peer much deeper into the past, and establish that the climate today is likely warmer than it has been in 120,000 years.
While these can be helpful, we often repeat past mistakes without fully understanding why—or how to overcome them. I have written that cognitive immobility is a stressful mental entrapment that ...
14. She is a happy, normal child in every way, except one—her days are limited for she is a victim of cancer. Weak from six days of treatment at Children's orthopedic Hospital, she is anxious to ...