Norwich City Council is looking to combat anti-social behaviour by installing new security doors at blocks of flats around the city.
A series of new planning applications have been submitted to Norwich City Council over the past week here is a rundown of what has been requested.
At Mayor Peter Nystrom's State of the City address on Tuesday night, he reflected on the city's challenges and achievements. Here's what he said.
The Norwich City Council passed an ordinance prohibiting panhandling in areas deemed unsafe by the police chief. The ordinance, modeled after similar ones in other Connecticut municipalities, aims to ...
Now Norwich City Council, which bought Anglia Square last month, is set to press ahead ‘at pace’ with the existing Broadway Malyan consent, thanks to substantial financial support from Homes England.
Delivering new housing is a critical societal issue, and brownfield sites like Anglia Square present the perfect opportunity to address this. We’re excited to support the council in transforming this ...
After nearly an hour of emotional testimony at a public hearing Monday night, the City Council voted 4-3 to adopt an ordinance that prohibits panhandling in unsafe locations" in the city. The four who ...
Norwich City Council members have voted in favour of pursuing unitary status as part of the Government’s efforts to reorganise local government. The leaders of the council’s political parties ...
He added that the council should broaden its view of affordability, considering housing for city workers and loan assistance for first-time homeowners. “It is important timing-wise we have this ...