最近,为乌克兰军队提供无人机的民间志愿团队Wild Hornets对外展示了一段视频,内容为他们给一架无人机加装了一把AK-74自动步枪。据称,这架无 ...
This is why we've made a build that should help you get more kills with this AR. AK-74 Build Attachment Pros And Cons Advanced Stats Willis 3x (Optic) Muzzle Brake (Muzzle) Reinforced Barrel ...
The XM4 has been handed another huge nerf in Warzone, opening the door for another Assault Rifle with an insane TTK to take its place.
After back-to-back nerfs to the XM4 since Season 2 started, there is a new BO6 AR that dominates Warzone’s long-range meta.