一些小孩有尿频、尿失禁等问题,一些家长可能误认为这是孩子还小,不懂得控制膀胱的正常现象。实际上,这有可能是神经源性膀胱(neurogenic bladder)的症状。《活得好》请邱德拔-国立大学儿童医疗中心、国立大学医院小儿外科高级顾问医生杨翼宁解析什么是 ...
“Bladder cancer can be diagnosed through a combination of imaging in the form of an ultrasound or a CT scan, and a flexible cystoscopy (this is a small thin camera placed into the bladder ...
Interstitial cystitis (IC) and overactive bladder (OAB) are two distinct but related conditions that affect the bladder and can significantly affect quality of life. IC is also referred to as ...