The nervous system is a complex network of neurons and cells that carry messages to and from the brain and spinal cord to various parts of the body. Neurons may get all the glory, but they would ...
During the pathogenesis of Parkinson’s disease (PD), α-synuclein pathology may originate in peripheral organs and spread to the CNS. Using human tissue samples and multiple approaches in mouse ...
Mackie and colleagues present a valuable comparison of lateralized gustation in two well-studied nematodes. The evidence they present that ASEL/R lateralization exists and is achieved by different ...
However, the report stated it could not conclude whether moderate alcohol consumption (two per day for men; one per day for women) is associated with colorectal, oral cavity, pharyngeal ...
Figure 2 Network of bidirectional communication between CNS, peripheral nervous systems, endocrine, and immune systems. Figure 3 Interactions between nervous, endocrine, and immune systems. Pituitary ...
mouth (oral cavity), throat (pharynx), and voice box (larynx)." It also adds, "The more alcohol consumed, the greater the risk of cancer. For certain cancers, like breast, mouth, and throat ...
Nerve pain refers to painful sensations around the nerves. Various treatment options are available, including anticonvulsants, certain antidepressants, mild opioids, and some topical treatments ...