Birds, such as blue and great tits, use fur to line their nests, exposing their offspring to pesticides used in veterinary treatments.
Following DEFRA’s decision to deny the application for emergency authorisation to use the neonicotinoid-based Cruiser SB, farmers are being reminded of alternatives to help manage aphids and the ...
However, lawmakers recognized that the ban could put a strain on the agricultural community and vowed to work with farmers.
"We apply pesticides without fully understanding their effects on beneficial insect pollinators," study lead author Alicja ...
An alarming decline in the population of pollinators, honey bees and monarch butterflies in particular, is proof once again that mankind’s innovative genius causes at least as many problems ...
The UK Government has rejected an emergency application of an insect-killing pesticide for 2025. The neonicotinoid ...
By Theodore Ross The second episode of Buzzkill, our new podcast on the pollinator crisis, is available now and unravels the mystery of the mass die-off of a researcher’s bees in Meade, Nebraska.
The need for 'urgent' research and development of sustainable crop protection methods for sugar beet has been raised ...
The Health Canada Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) is responsible for pesticide regulation in Canada. The public registry is where you can learn more about all pest control products registered ...
The commonly used pesticide has been found in elevated levels in some of the state’s largest rivers, causing potential harm ...
Observers say Quebec's battle against neonics shows what's possible when it comes to regulating the chemicals — and raises questions about the federal pesticide regulator's controversial 2021 decision ...