Ramses II’s father, Seti I, provided his son with a large harem when the boy was 8 years old. In later years, he had many concubines and wives (the dearest was his first queen, Nefertari).
The Ramses and the Gold of the Pharaohs Exhibition opened in Tokyo last week following the success of its US and European ...
This VR experience tells the story of Nefertari, wife of Ramses the Great ... ever held outside Egypt”, featuring treasures from Ramses II, a king who was a family man as well as a warrior ...
Ramses II was supposed to have been quite vain. But you can afford to be vain when you're a pharaoh, the ruler and protector of Egypt, the intermediary between man and the gods. After he died ...
Ramses II (the Great) was one of the most prolific builders of ancient Egypt. Hardly a site exists that he did not initiate, add to, complete, or build entirely himself. Some of the greatest ...
including the wooden coffin of King Ramses II from the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization. Visitors can see an array of statues, gold jewelry, cosmetic tools, and painted coffins.