For those just tuning in, this five-part series is all about how to use a cybersecurity framework - utilizing the updated NIST CSF 2.0 as our foundation - to help organizations identify their ...
CISOs lead AI strategy without clear guidance. The CLEAR framework helps security teams track AI, enforce policies, and drive ...
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NIST IR 8374 reflects changes to Cybersecurity Framework 1.1 that are now part of CSF 2.0. These changes include objectives that support the management, detection, response to and recovery from ...
An examination of key data privacy and cybersecurity developments in 2024 and emerging trends and risks for 2025, including ...
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ExecutiveGov serves as a news source for the hot topics and issues facing federal government departments and agencies such as Gov 2.0, cybersecurity policy, health IT, green IT and national security.
was another active year in cybersecurity, with high-profile vulnerabilities and data breaches, and government and private sector responses ...