Spotify Music Pro, the new name for Spotify Hi-Fi, was supposed to launch in late 2021, but a new report says it's definitely ...
近日,据彭博社报道,音乐流媒体巨头 Spotify 即将推出一款全新的订阅会员等级——“Music Pro”。这款订阅计划将在现有套餐的基础上,每月额外收取最高5.99美元(约43.5元人民币),为用户带来一系列高品质的服务。 据了解,“Music ...
在这个充满旋律的时代,音乐已经成为人们生活中不可或缺的一部分。而近期,流媒体音乐界的巨头Spotify即将推出的新订阅服务“Music Pro”,无疑为热爱音乐的朋友们带来了激动人心的好消息。就像一句经典的台词所说:“每一个音符都承载着一个故事。”而这个全新的会员服务,将使我们聆听故事的方式变得更加精彩。
Bloomberg reports that Spotify is currently working on a new subscription tier likely to be released later this year.
Spotify imagines users will be willing to pay $6 more a month for HiFi, lossless music streaming, but it may also let you ...
IT之家 2 月 18 日消息,据彭博社报道,Spotify 即将上线一款全新的“Music Pro”订阅会员等级,该订阅计划将以现有套餐为基础, 每月额外收取最高 5.99 美元(IT之家备注:当前约 43.5 元人民币) ,为用户提供高品质音频流、AI 混音功能以及独家演唱会门票等服务。
IT之家 2 月 15 日消息,据彭博社援引知情人士消息称,Spotify 计划在现有订阅服务的基础上推出一项新的 超级粉丝订阅服务 ,并将额外收取每月 最高 5.99 美元 (IT之家备注:当前约 43.5 元人民币)的费用。该服务将提供 更高质量的音频、混音工具 以及 音乐会门票的优先购买权限 等功能。
Spotify is reportedly working on a premium Music Pro subscription plan with new AI tools, high-quality audio, and more.
The Rise of Spotify and the Costs of the Perfect Playlist, a new book from the journalist Liz Pelly, the playlist is the ...
When it comes to music streaming platforms, two of the most popular choices are Spotify and Apple Music. Both services feature sleek, user-friendly interfaces, a wide range of features ...