Most Inca mummies were arranged in the familiar fetal position and were either wrapped in leather or cloth, or placed in baskets or under huge ceramic jars. These "mummy bundles" were often ...
Archaeologists in Egypt Uncover a Well-Preserved Mummy Wearing Gold and Blue Sky God Mask Archaeologists in Egypt unearthed an ancient sarcophagus that contained a well-preserved mummy wrapped in ...
Finally, rouge and other paints were applied. The last step was to coat the mummy in warm resin and wrap it from head to foot in layer after layer of linen strips. About 150 yards—the length of ...
A gazelle wrapped in a tattered mat of papyrus, so thoroughly flattened by mummification that Ikram named it Roadkill. A 17-foot, knobby-backed crocodile, buried with baby croc mummies in its mouth.
The shape, decoration and religious texts on them changed over time. But in the 19th and early 20th centuries, mummies were sold to tourists, scientists or collectors. Sellers put well-wrapped mummies ...