Received with cheers. Music -- "Auld Lang Syne." Song -- "Ode to Burns" -- Mr. LAWSON. II. The Genius of Burns -- Its sacred influence is felt wherever civilization has a home -- its towering ...
The Simpsons‘ “The Past and the Furious” imagines a version of Springfield where all plants have been wiped out thanks to Mr. Burns’ expanding corporate reach. When Lisa gets depressed at ...
Burns became chief of The New York Times bureau in New Delhi in 1994. He was previously based in Sarajevo and, before that, Belgrade. In 1993 he was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for courageous coverage ...
Seems like the Carolina Hurricanes can hair-dly contain their excitement for the birthday boy. Before the team’s game on Sunday, which is Brent Burns’ 40th birthday, his teammates imitated his ...
Today's poem was written for Burns's friend and patroness, Maria Riddell, from whom, he would become painfully estranged after a boorish outburst. The drunken impropriety was probably provoked by ...