这些反馈无疑给咨询师们带来了巨大的压力与困惑。 一次单元咨询的实践与理论 在这个背景下,Moshe Talmon博士于上世纪90年代提出的“一次单元咨询”(Single-Session Therapy, SST)成为了一个备受瞩目的研究方向。Talmon博士在加州进行了一系列心理数据研究 ...
Zehut Party Chairman former MK Moshe Feiglin announced during a conference in Petah Tikva on Thursday that his party will compete in the next election. In his announcement, Feiglin voiced strong ...
Who named Moshe and what does his name connote? Did Pharaoh’s daughter speak Hebrew? Chizkuni suggests, that following Chaza”l that she converted, and she actually did speak Hebrew and names him.