In our area, the time to prepare beds for planting ferns is in the spring since all but the hardiest species die back in our ...
About 252 million years ago, 80 to 90 percent of life on Earth was wiped out. In the Turpan-Hami Basin, life persisted and ...
They diversified into many of the modern fern families and species during the “great fern radiation” of the Cretaceous period, from 145 to 66 million years ago. Like the clubmosses (see Plant ...
The End-Permian mass extinction killed an estimated 80% of life on Earth, but new research suggests that plants might have ...
This fern is native to the rainforest, where it grows between tree branches. (It's naturally an epiphyte, which is an organism that grows on the surface of another plant.) There, its fronds often ...