The children walked the runway in clothes made from China's intangible cultural heritage of paper-cutting culture, so cute!🤩🤩#modelling #Paper-cutting By Wang Yu,Li Yuanyuan and Li Chenhu(intern)/Ch ...
提示词:A black luxury fashion store. The storefront is an abstract parametric architectural design shaped like a wave of fabric.
2024年7月26日至10月8日,“中山大学极地”号破冰船完成了首次北冰洋科考之旅。这是我国第一次由高校负责具体组织实施的极地科考活动。在组建团队时,首席科学家充分考虑了综合性大学人才培养与学术研究的特点,允许我以历史学者的身份加入了科考队。在绝大部 ...
For the Chinese New Year, it's important to decorate the house and create a festive atmosphere, mainly with red color. There are many different items you could use, such as lanterns or paper cuts, but ...
The ancient Chinese used to call their lantern riddles “word tigers,” or 文虎, as guessing a lantern riddle could be as ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
The Department of Finance said in a news release that the first phase of Canada's response to unjustified US tariffs on ...
The phrase “set in stone” has its origins in ancient times when important laws, treaties, and religious texts were literally ...
悄悄告诉你,江树最近发现了个真香功能 Gemini的AI绘画简直离谱到没朋友! 你可能觉得Gemini就是个写文案、搞数据分析的工具? "一只白色毛茸茸的可爱熊玩具正在房间里睡觉,位于婴儿卧室的地板上,周围有玩具箱和其他玩具,采用逼真的3D渲染风格。
兰州牛肉面,这道来自中国甘肃省兰州市的经典美食,以其独特的制作工艺与丰富的口感层次,化身中华面食文化中的瑰宝。走进兰州的大街小巷,随处可见挂着“兰州牛肉面”招牌的小馆子,它早已成为当地人生活的一部分。Lanzhou Beef Noodles, a ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...