Alicia Tucker suffers from alpha-gal syndrome (AGS), a type of allergy that is passed to humans via a single, tiny vector: the Lone Star tick. In a 2023 press release, the Centers for Disease Control ...
Alpha-gal syndrome, affects hundreds of thousands of Americans and is particularly prevalent in the southeastern United ...
Lyme-like illness (also known as southern tick-associated rash illness [STARI] or Masters disease) is vectored by the Lone Star tick (Amblyomma americanum). Lyme-like illness lesions, which are ...
Ticks are parasitic arachnids that feed on the blood of mammals, birds, amphibians, and reptiles. They vary in size and ...
The allergy, known as alpha-gal syndrome, affects hundreds of thousands of Americans and is particularly prevalent in the southeastern United States.
The Lone Star tick is responsible for most cases of alpha-gal syndrome, a red meat allergy that’s appearing more and more in Kansas. (Kansas State University Research and Extension.) Researchers at ...
Alpha-gal syndrome is the term used to describe the allergic reaction to red meats and mammalian related products, most often through a tick bite. The main parasite responsible for the spread of alpha ...
Organizational Development (OD) designs various learning programs to support and develop employees, which leads to an increase in student success. This work earned the college a […] ...
A Tennessee bill aims to track alpha-gal syndrome, a tick-borne allergy to red meat that affects thousands in the state.
The Western blacklegged tick, which can also spread Lyme disease but primarily lives on the West Coast. The lone star tick can transmit Heartland virus and Southern tick-associated rash illness.