Asus' first Copilot+ PC with the Snapdragon X Elite chip last year was the Vivobook S 15, a sleek and lightweight 15-inch laptop with a gorgeous display and ultra-snappy performance. Right now, it's ...
Laptops used to be heavy, chunky machines that almost looked like they were made out of Lego. These days, the best lightweight laptops are all about sleek styling and portability, so you can take ...
Looking for a dependable, lightweight travel laptop without spending a fortune? This near-mint MacBook Air 13.3" (2017) is now available for just $229.97 (reg. $999) with free shipping through Feb. 2.
Though many gaming laptops are a little too bulky to lug around, the last few years have introduced a bevy of travel-friendly options that make up our picks for the best thin and light gaming ...