The city's first modern light-rail system would run in dedicated lanes on city streets with priority at traffic signals.
The next phase of traffic disruptions to enable work on the light rail Stage 2A extension to Commonwealth Park ...
This is what we want to see in Jerusalem,” Schwarz added. “We want to see [people] on the light rail, in the bike lanes, people with their best suits on the way to business meetings.
a 12-foot-wide walkway for pedestrians and bicyclists and room for light rail. Along with four new southbound lanes, the new span will have two tolled express lanes in each direction, a first for ...
The ACT Government is partnering with the Australian Government and Canberra Metro to deliver the next stage of light rail in our city centre.The next ...
Opposition to light rail on the planned Interstate 5 replacement bridge continues to grow in Clark County’s small cities.
The La Center City Council expressed frustration over the inclusion of light rail in the Interstate Bridge Replacement Project during a Feb. 26 presentation by project representatives. Concerns ...