Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) is an abnormal thickening ... electrical activity takes longer to traverse throughout the whole heart, thus the duration of the QRS complex may be widened.
Left ventricular hypertrophy can be diagnosed on ECG with ... and electrical activity takes longer to traverse throughout the whole heart, the duration of the QRS complex may be widened.
Background Left ventricular (LV) mass is closely associated with atherosclerotic heart disease, but the mechanisms are not well defined. This study aimed to evaluate the risk factors associated with ...
Idiopathic premature ventricular contractions (PVCs) may cause subtle changes in left atrium (LA) structure and function ... Beyond the burden of PVCs, attributes such as serum sodium, BMI, NT-proBNP ...
Objective To identify adolescent athletes with left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) and differentiate physiological LVH from HCM. Design Observational follow-up study. Setting: Sports Medicine Clinical ...
Aim Differentiating physiological cardiac hypertrophy from pathology is challenging when the athlete presents with extreme anthropometry. While upper normal limits exist for maximal left ventricular ...
The investigators also discovered that hypertrophy is not always widespread, but can be localized to a single area of the left ventricular ... and increasing risk of heart failure symptoms and ...
High-intensity exercise raises sudden cardiac death risk in young hypertrophic cardiomyopathy patients, independent of ...