Fun fact: Measles would result in the deaths of 1800 Americans and hospitalise 400,000 every year without the vaccine, ...
Bill to make ivermectin available OTC without a prescription advances in state Legislature. Supporters claim it might cure ...
The team says that humans have a third set of teeth available as buds, ready to grow as needed. A sliver of what makes sharks so intriguing comes with their ability to regrow teeth. And while a ...
But he often depicted NATO allies as leeches on the US military and openly questioned the value of the military alliance that has defined American foreign policy for decades. As of 2022, NATO reported ...
The discovery clashes with the traditional image of humans evolving on the savannas of East Africa. By Carl Zimmer For generations, scientists looked to the East African savanna as the birthplace ...
Humans were living in a tropical rainforest in West Africa 150,000 years ago. The finding pushes human habitation of tropical forests much further back in time, suggesting our ancestors were able ...