Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that is marked by fasciculation, spasticity and progressive weakness of muscles, and results in difficulty speaking ...
More anteriorly, toward the anterior parahippocampal gyrus ventrally and the superior temporal sulcus dorsally, weakly activated patches appeared to lie outside the eccentricity map. This result ...
Removal of the monosynaptic corticospinal pathway (CSP) terminating within the forelimb segments severely impairs manual dexterity. Functional recovery from the monosynaptic CSP lesion can be achieved ...
The tracing protocol comprised two parts for each hemisphere: (1) tracing all the medial walls of the IPS (MIPS) and (2) tracing the entire sulcus by adding the lateral wall (LIPS). On sagittal and ...