FatherAkhenaten KV55The identity of King Tut’s father has long been a mystery. One candidate is the heretic pharaoh, Akhenaten, who abandoned the gods of the state to worship a single deity.
Tutankhamun's tomb, discovered by archaeologists in the Valley of the Kings on Nov. 4, 1922, was found loaded with treasures. Some of those artifacts, like his death mask, are widely known.
Sometimes the most powerful commentary on a king is made by those who are silent ... significant looting in the Valley of the Kings. Tut’s tomb may even contain further secrets—during the ...
Born Tutankhaten, in honor of the sun god Aten, King Tut changed his name to Tutankhamun during his reign. This shift signified his rejection of his father's religious reforms and his restoration ...
NOVA: Recently your crews unearthed one of the only intact tombs found since the discovery of King Tut's tomb in the 1920s ... much excavation and not enough restoration and conservation?
Universal Images Group via Getty Images The finding comes more than one hundred years after King Tut’s remains were discovered in 1922, CBS News reported. The entrance to the tomb, located at ...
Officials in Egypt say they have unearthed the resting place of King Thutmose II, marking what the government described as the very first major discovery since the tomb of King Tutankhamun was ...
Tutankhamun, or King Tut as he is also known, was the last of his dynasty of pharaohs. He ruled as a boy only for a short time. He is most famous because his tomb was discovered almost intact and ...
But all is about to change. In 1922 Cairo, free-spirited archaeologist Danny Fremont is certain that if found, King Tut's Emerald Tablet would hold the ultimate power to control the world.