Here are some of the most expensive bags carried by BTS leader and Bottega Veneta ambassador BTS RM to keep his essentials ...
如今随着 Kim Jones 离职,这继续在佐证传言的真实性,并且重要的是 DIOR 也正式拉开了变革的序幕。如何在经济下行的大环境下仍然能守住基本盘?如何兼顾扎实的设计和对于时不时能“出圈”的期待?这些都会是摆在面前非常现实的课题(如果是 Jonathan Anderson 的话,这可能会是个相当大的挑战)。
Kim Jones marched out onto a runway at the end of his menswear presentation for Dior. That show would be his last. He leaves ...
Kim Jones ushered in a new era of masculinity. When he first entered the house of Dior, he renamed Dior Homme to the now, ...
虽然是原生的中国品牌,但阿维塔同时也拥有世界级的原创设计,能够和历史悠久的奢侈品牌共舞。阿维塔012的诞生,是中国汽车品牌在设计上的高水准探索,Kim Jones给阿维塔012赋予的更珍贵的市场价值,也是中国汽车从大变强的缩影。
While the brand of sneakers Murdoch wore for his fifth marriage was difficult to identify, at the White House his choice of ...
身为已执掌过LV、Dior、Fendi的明星设计师,Kim Jones未来有望“集齐”四大高奢品牌创意总监的成就,阿维塔012作为他的首款汽车联名作品,其收藏意义与价值无疑正在持续升高。
Goldenballs, indeed David Beckham is back doing what he does best – skimping around the place in his pants. As part of the ...
Kim Jones exits, Chiuri in pole position for Fendi. Kim Jones exits Dior men, Maria Grazia Chiuri in pole position for Fendi ...
Kim Jones, a popular designer, has stepped down from his role at Dior. Jones was the artistic director of Menswear at Dior ...
Following a transformative tenure of refreshing collaborations and historic androgynous designs, the LVMH house bids fairwell ...
The designer, who recently stepped down as artistic director of Fendi, is now a free agent, leaving the industry eager to see ...