Japan has requested to purchase more AGM-158B JASSM-ER cruise missiles from the American government, and this request has ...
The U.S. Air Force’s continued emphasis on upgrading its legacy aircraft is surging forward in tandem with an effort to keep its decades-old fighters and stealth bombers relevant in a..
Japan has requested to purchase more AGM-158B JASSM-ER cruise missiles from the American government, and this request has ...
据美国《星条旗报》网站2月5日报道,美国已批准一项对日本的9亿美元导弹销售案,这是日本在一年多时间里的第三宗同类型大规模军购案。 根据国防部下属防务安全合作局官网1月31日发布的一则公告,国务院当日通知国会,其已批准向东京出售150枚“标准”-6 Block I导弹。
The package is valued at $39 million and includes up to 16 Lockheed Martin AGM-158B/B-2 Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missiles with Extended Range (JASSM-ER), says the US Defense Security ...
The AGM-158B/B-2 JASSM-ER missiles are cruise missiles that use GPS guidance and an internal navigation system. Credit: U.S. Air Force/commons.wikimedia.org (Creative Commons) The US State Department ...
A rendering of the Lockheed Martin JASSM-ER. Credit: Lockheed Martin SINGAPORE—Washington has cleared the way for Japan to acquire more extended-range Lockheed Martin AGM-158B/B-2 Joint Air-to ...
The U.S. Marine Corps is able to arm its F/A-18C fighter jets with AGM-158 cruise missiles, which offer long-range, precision ...
去年年初,日本还与美国签下了一份购买400枚“战斧”巡航导弹的合约,安装在日本的宙斯盾驱逐舰上。 然而,“战斧”导弹技术有些老旧,虽然经过改进,但飞行速度慢,路线固定且无法隐形,突防能力有限。
The deal also includes AGM-158 JASSM DATM (Dummy Air Training Missiles); containers; JAGR (JASSM Anti-Jam GPS Receivers); support, testing and maintenance equipment; spare parts; and all ...
这个举动,仿佛在给已经紧绷的地区局势,又踩了一脚油门。据悉,这批导弹将安装在日本自卫队的先进战斗机上,进一步提升日本的空中打击能力。 虽然其并未明确提及中国,但背后却句句剑指中国。