人偏肺病毒作为呼吸道感染的重要病原体,其易感人群主要集中在儿童、老年人及免疫力低下个体等高风险群体,尽管多数感染呈自限性病程,但仍有部分病例可发展为重症肺炎或呼吸衰竭。目前临床上缺乏疫苗和有效抗病毒药物。最新研究动态显示,多个国际团队基于融合前F蛋白 ...
SurgiBox Inc., a Cambridge, Massachusetts medical device startup that aims to revolutionize mobile surgery with its flagship ...
We all have a unique face, fingerprint, voice, and signature, so why wouldn’t we have a unique response to the medicine and ...
Saideep Nakka is a systems engineer with extensive experience in medical device innovation. His expertise spans high-speed ...
Shashank played a key role in achieving major regulatory milestones, such as securing 510(k) clearance for new medical ...
Civil War surgeons learned fast. Here are a few of the MacGyver-like medical solutions that have had a lasting impact.
在动态多变的市场环境中,EPS创健科技(03860.HK)近日宣布将以仅仅1.00日元的价格出售其旗下子公司EPS Innovative Medicine(Hong Kong)Limited的全部股份。这一交易不仅引起了投资者的关注,也反映了公司对于业务重组和盈利转型的坚定决心。
目标公司(即EPS Innovative Medicine(Hong Kong)Limited)为一家在中国香港注册成立的有限责任公司,主要业务为投资控股目标集团的其他成员公司,以及持有一间根据日本法律成立的有限合伙企业的若干有限合伙单位。
在最近的商业动态中,EPS创健科技(03860)宣布了一项引人注目的交易:公司计划以仅1日元的价格,将其全资子公司EPS Innovative Medicine (Hong Kong) Limited的全部股权出售给控股股东EPS Holdings, Inc。这一举动引起了行业内外的广泛关注,对市场产生了潜在的深远影响。
Addressing the gathering, the President emphasized the significance of Unani Day, established in 2016 to commemorate Hakim ...
Each station — which resembles a large phone booth or covered bus station — is an 8-by-11-foot pod that includes thermal ...