Radio Pakistan Peshawar transmission has been restored with the hectic efforts of the organization's technical team and the support of Pakistan Army within 26 hours of its suspension. The historical ...
Infrared (IR) light is a type of electromagnetic radiation that has longer wavelengths than visible light, but shorter wavelengths than radio light. Mid-IR sits in the middle of the infrared ...
The government has a comprehensive plan to revamp Radio Pakistan and once it is done the importance of Radio Pakistan will be at the peak. Radio transmission is the only way forward to spread the ...
THE choice by the U.S.S.R. of frequencies of 20 and 40 Mc./s. for radio transmissions from their Earth satellites provided a new approach to the study of the ionosphere, the main interest of the ...
Germanium. It might sound like just another periodic table entry (number 32, to be exact), but in the world of infrared light, it’s anything but ordinary. A recent video by [The Action Lab ...
Tanker 47 rears up as helicopter pilot Darren Davies settles it to hover over the Encino Reservoir, a half-mile-wide artificial lake perched on the shoulder of a hill overlooking the San Fernando ...
Canada, Norway Use Microsatellites To Hunt ‘Dark’ Ships And Aircraft is available to both Aviation Week & Space Technology and AWIN subscribers. Subscribe now to read this content, plus receive ...