Windshield scratches can range from a minor annoyance to a serious problem. Here's how to tell if you can fix the scratches ...
It's common practice for many drivers to prop their windshield wipers up in a snowstorm, but this may not be the best ...
The little insects are harmless, but when it’s lovebug season, your car is bound to get dirty if you do a lot of driving. A ...
Driving on a rainy or snowy day with a broken windshield wiper is not just annoying, it's downright dangerous. That's why you ...
It could cause damage to the wiper blades, making them less effective keeping with windshield clear. Don't be in a hurry: Fully clearing your car's windows only adds a few minutes to your day.
With many parts of Canada facing swaths of snow, many people are braving the elements to get their vehicles ready for the ...
Propping windshield wipers up before a snowstorm is a common routine for many car owners, but according to AAA, it’s not ...
You know freezing conditions can be dangerous. Here’s how to be well-prepared if you need to take the car out when snow and ...
These windshield wipers are claimed to have a 40% longer life thanks to an “FX dual rubber compound.” The manufacturer also claims the dual precision-tensioned springs in the wiper blades ...
it can subject your wipers’ arms to forces they were not designed to withstand. The wind can damage the gears and the brittle plastic that holds the blades and arms securely to the windshield.