This week you’ve probably looked out the window and seen some form of sleet, snow or rain. The exact amount of snow (or no snow) we’ve all had depends on where you are in the country, but one ...
You might want to incorporate a hedgehog house into your garden or leave piles of logs and leaves for them to craft into snug winter abodes.
1. Scout your garden for a flat, quiet and shady spot to set up a hedgehog house. An area close to a garden boundary is ideal, such as at the foot of a wall or fence. 2. Before you start building, put ...
Some of the easiest crops to grow are lettuce, potatoes, tomatoes, onions, radishes, courgettes, strawberries, raspberries ...
Build a hedgehog house: Consider investing in a specially designed hedgehog house. Make sure to place it in a quiet, ...
Hedgehogs like to furnish their own homes with leaves and garden debris – it’s part of their hibernation ritual - so don’t line the box for them. Don't disturb the box once it's occupied.
All it is a 14 by 14 cm square hole in your back garden, that allows hedgehogs to travel freely between gardens. Next thing, put out food and water and houses for them. They like houses even though ...
Hedgehogs were spotted in more than half of Scottish gardens in a study last year despite years of concern about their plummeting population. A new survey of almost 15,000 wildlife enthusiasts by ...
Build your hedgehog haven filled with flowers, veggies, food stalls and hedgehog homes, and then decorate the garden to your heart's content. Just be careful Henry doesn't cause you too much trouble!
Return visitors If you enjoyed having your winter visitor, think about how you can attract them back into your garden next year. Maybe think about adding a hedgehog house to your garden design or ...