From You have probably seen someone do a little happy dance when they spot their waiter heading to the ...
Of course, we want our pups to be happy from head to tail, but what does happiness look like in dogs? Dog behavior is complex ...
Dancing turtles have proved for the first time that some animals use Earth's magnetic field to create a personal map of their favourite spots, scientists said Wednesday. Some animals that migrate ...
Coimbatore: It was a nostalgic moment for 38-year-old D Mythili after seeing the postal cards at Happy Streets on Codissia ...
The letter from the NYC Bar’s president and animal law committee co-chairs noted that Happy vanished from public view for ten weeks last summer before she reappeared in her zoo enclosure.
On Thursday, February 13th, one vet's office proved to have the coolest greeter animal: an Umbrella Cockatoo! Not only is he ...
Casino Nigel is the shelter's longest resident after he got adopted and his owner couldn't take him on their move.
Fitfam! As usual, let's talk fitness. The one thing we’re told to keep up with our whole lives – like paying bills or ...