Affordable housing is a basic human need, but many families’ incomes aren’t high enough to afford market-rate rents in their neighborhoods. Republican budget proposals could make this worse.
The Australian Government is being urged to boost Rent Assistance by up to 50 per cent to prevent a growing number of ...
Rental assistance needs to be urgently increased to ensure that Australia's retirees are not living in poverty, COTA ...
Funding for a local rent assistance program is running low, and changes to the program are imminent, government officials are warning.
Grattan Institute began with contributions to its endowment of $15 million from each of the federal and Victorian governments, $4 million from BHP Billiton, and $1 million from NAB. In order to ...
The federal government has lifted the maximum rate of Rent Assistance by 27%—over and above inflation—in the past two budgets. But the payment remains too low.
The state has taken action against 20 landlords who allegedly refused to rent to tenants who were using government rental assistance. In five of the cases, the Attorney General’s office Division ...