The association between GERD and AF is debated because of shared confounding factors, such as obesity, diabetes mellitus and sleep apnea. Hiatal hernia has been associated with an increased ...
Although individual studies have shown a higher prevalence of hiatal hernia in BE patients compared with non-BE GERD patients, [21–23] to date no meta-analysis of the relationship between BE and ...
I recently had an endoscopy, and the findings were a hiatal hernia of about 5 centimeters with some inflammation. I have been having almost daily acid reflux episodes. The gastroenterologist put ...
The risk of heartburn can increase with age or be triggered by diet, medications, stress, obesity, pregnancy, smoking, and conditions like hiatal hernia or ulcers in your stomach or esophagus. The ...
I recently had an endoscopy, and the findings were a hiatal hernia of about 5 centimeters with some inflammation. I have been having almost daily acid reflux episodes. The gastroenterologist put ...
The type of hernia someone ... Managing hiatal hernias may involve addressing the associated symptoms, such as changing dietary or lifestyle habits to manage heartburn or reflux.
I recently had an endoscopy, and the findings were a hiatal hernia of about 5 centimeters with some inflammation. I have been having almost daily acid reflux episodes. The gastroenterologist put ...
I recently had an endoscopy, and the findings were a hiatal hernia of about 5 centimetres with some inflammation. I have been having almost daily acid reflux episodes. The gastroenterologist put ...
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DEAR DR. ROACH: I am a 74-year-old woman who is active and healthy. I recently had an endoscopy, and the findings were a hiatal hernia of about 5 centimeters with some inflammation. I have been having ...