and signs characteristic of frontotemporal lobar degeneration. Neurological skill resides in the ability to elicit symptoms and assess the validity of signs that confirm neurodegenerative and ...
A new study published in the journal Cortex sheds light on how brain network organization differs in healthy aging and semantic dementia. Researchers found that older adults experience changes in the ...
The classification of frontotemporal lobar dementias ... that include prominent apraxia (corticobasal degeneration), parkinsonism (frontotemporal lobar degeneration with MAPT (microtubule ...
编者按痴呆是一种以认知功能减退为特征的综合征,多发于中老年人。可能是因为神经系统变性或脑血管病、外伤等引起,表现为记忆功能、精神、行为、人格等方面异常引起。本文中我们来总结归纳常见痴呆疾病:额颞叶变性、路易体痴呆、血管性痴呆以及糖尿病相关的认知障碍。痴呆你知道吗?许多日常生活中的不良习惯,正是导致痴 ...
Data pertaining to the pathophysiology and genetics of frontotemporal dementia primarily come from studies conducted in North America and Western Europe. More patients from underrepresented groups ...
Researchers have uncovered a link between COVID-19 and blood markers linked to faulty proteins in the brain. The analysis, led by researchers at Imperial College London and the UK Dementia ...
Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) can be hard to diagnose, because it is an uncommon type of dementia and does not cause memory problems at first. However, there are some ways to diagnose FTD including ...
For example, the severity of hand muscle atrophy is determined by the remaining number of motor neurons in the lateral nuclear group of the spinal anterior horn innervating the hand muscle after ...
Presa, Bailey et al. assess the feasibility and efficacy of intrathecal administration of AAV9-SUMF1 gene therapy in the Sumf1-KO mouse model of Multiple Sulfatase Deficiency. They show that it ...