Making your home safe includes reducing the risk of fires, making your kitchen and appliances safe and taking care when preparing meals. Fitting smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors can reduce ...
Q: About 10 years ago, I replaced the original wired smoke alarms in my home with wired dual sensors that use both photoelectric and ionization technology. Because I’ve read that in-home smoke ...
UL, a nonprofit organization that sets the safety standards for smoke alarms and other products, published a startling video showing two rooms burning side by side: one with largely natural ...
The American Red Cross is encouraging you to test your their smoke alarms to make sure the devices are working as you turn the clocks forward of daylight saving time on Sunday. “Working smoke ...
According to the American Red Cross of Georgia, seven people die every day from house fires in homes without working smoke alarms. Columbus fire officials are working hard to decrease that number.
(KY3) - Daylight Saving Time begins this Sunday. It’s the time of year when you’re encouraged to test your smoke alarms while turning your clocks forward. The Red Cross says it helped more ...