The Final Destination movies make death itself into a slasher movie villain, and the bridge collapse premonition of 2011’s ...
Final Destination 5 excels by focusing on new characters, retaining the series' dread, and tying the narrative together. The original Final Destination sets up a killer premise by innovating ...
Ahead of its first full-length trailer ... The stunt proved a success and the impressed execs greenlit the new Final Destination movie with Lipovsky and Stein as directors. Though the background ...
With Terrence Malick urging cinema to engage with the Big Questions, so Final Destination 5, the latest instalment in the death-finds-a way horror franchise, takes up the mantle from The Tree Of ...
Instead, the movie is being given a full theatrical rollout, complete with IMAX screens. There’s a lot of confidence in what Bloodlines is bringing to the table. Final Destination: Bloodlines ...