FBI officials have complied with demands to provide the Justice Department with details of thousands of employees who worked on investigations related to the January 6, 2021, US Capitol riot ...
FBI employees and the Justice Department agreed to a court order Friday that bars the DOJ from releasing a list of FBI employees who worked on January 6 cases – including the one against Donald ...
The Justice Department and a group of FBI agents reached an agreement in federal court Friday over the dissemination of information about FBI agents involved in the Jan. 6 investigation.
WASHINGTON — Two groups of unnamed FBI agents who participated in Jan. 6 investigations have sued the Justice Department, claiming they were instructed to fill out a survey about their roles ...
据Politico援引匿名消息人士透露,负责调查不明飞行物(UFO)的联邦调查局(FBI)特工们近日表达了对自身职业安全的担忧。他们担心,在被迫披露自己在国会大厦骚乱案中可能扮演的角色后,会面临失业的风险。据悉,这些来自秘密不明异常现象(UAP)调查小组的特工,也参与了2021年1月6日国会大厦骚乱事件的调查。 回顾2021年1月6日,数千名特朗普的支持者涌入美国国会大厦,企图阻挠对2020年大选 ...
At least six senior FBI leaders have been ordered to retire, resign or be fired by Monday, according to sources briefed on the matter, extending a purge that began last week at the Justice ...