Recognizing the sometimes complicated world of fair use and copyright, Digital Scholarship offers resources and advice on the considerations involved with disseminating and protecting your work. We ...
Fair Use is legal code written into the United States law to provide a balance (under certain conditions) to a copyright holders exclusive rights. It is based upon a four-factor analysis of a proposed ...
An exception within the U.S. copyright law that allows excerpts from copyrighted ... For example, a paragraph excerpted from a book would be considered fair use as long as the original work ...
This checklist will help analyze whether your use of a copyrighted work falls within the limits of fair use under U.S. copyright law. Remember: No single item or factor determines fair use. Select all ...
The Fair Use Checklist and variations on it have been widely used for many years to help educators, librarians, lawyers, and many other users of copyrighted works ...
Cheng Xin/Getty Images When courts analyze fair use under the aging 1976 framework ... "to promote the Progress of Science" through copyright law. That is to say, the power to create copyrights ...
Congress needs to clarify copyright law to ensure that the use of publisher content for training AI models does not fall under fair use, he continued, forcing companies to negotiate licensing deals ...
“I initially didn't know much about copyright, fair use, etc. but became curious after ... important for even non-lawyers to understand the law -- both the letter of it, and also why it's ...