Eucalyptus wood is primarily used in composite wood production, pulp and paper industries, and local construction. Its straight trunks also make it suitable for furniture manufacturing and firewood.
The wood, if treated, could also be used as electricity poles. Eucalyptus forest in the Sagarnath Forest Development project area. Image by Mukesh Pokhrel. The Sagarnath project planned for an initial ...
Petrobras-controlled Riograndense refinery has completed tests to produce fuels from eucalyptus biomass in Brazil’s southern ...
Blue gum eucalyptus has a bad reputation for being a “fire-prone” tree. It has flammable oils and shredding bark that may fly ...
Comfortable, cooling and waterproof — does the Sijo AiryWeight Eucalyptus Mattress Protector live up to its lofty claims? We ...
Bunkerspot provides news, in-depth analysis, expert comment and price indications for the global marine fuels industry ...
DuoShear is a bamboo-eucalyptus-wood hybrid and carbon-negative framing system suitable for low-rise residential and commercial structures up to 5 stories. Delivered as a kit of parts, the system ...
If you love a fresh scent but are tired of the usual suspects, DS & Durga's Big Sur Eucalyptus might be just the ticket.
D.S. & Durga Big Sur Eucalyptus: £155 at Space NK UK Snag ... There's certainly some wood here, too, though its more subtle. Fresh and green notes are the real order of the day, with an overall ...